Thursday, 12 September 2024

Ethnographic research and activism : a critical, feminist, and sensory approach to Moviment Graffitti

Mouslim, J. A. (2024). Ethnographic research and activism : a critical, feminist, and sensory approach to Moviment Graffitti. Malta Review of Educational Research, 18(1), 13-29.

In many fields today, there is a call for educators to move out of their ‘ivory towers’ and into public spaces (Sandlin et al., 2017, p. 825). This critical turn toward public pedagogy, emancipatory research, and participatory (action) research has become increasingly crucial within academia. But what are the risks when educators and researchers move into public spaces where activist communities gather? This paper discusses some methodological concerns with researching activism. In this paper, I attempt to counter these concerns by employing a critical, feminist, and sensory methodology to research activist communities and their lived, embodied, and affective experiences.

Link to paper: Click here

University of Malta launches archive of women who left an impact on society

  Diaries, articles, campaign posters, writings and photos of renowned women and others less known, from the Second World War till now, will...